Monday, February 7, 2011

A Few More Christmas Pics...

Maggie was an angel in a precious little Christmas play put on by Ms. Judy, Maggie and her friends, and several Ms. Judy graduates. It was adorable! I don't know how Ms. Judy was able to pull off such a wonderful program with six toddlers! She is a blessing to our lives.
I posted about our yearly bake-a-thon, but never posted any pictures of my gifts. I was able to completely fill nine nice size containers, and still have two platters to take to parties! Thanks again Jackie!
We girls weren't the only ones to make cookies. The kids had fun cutting out and decorating their own cookies. Of course I was disgusted watching them lick, double dip, sneeze, and cough all over their confections. No, I didn't eat one and didn't pass any along as presents!