Sunday, August 29, 2010

Time to Play!

This fall Matthew is playing soccer and Austin is playing teeball. Jason and I asked them which sport they wanted to play. Each chose a different sport. At the time, we thought they only needed to play one sport at a time. Hindsight 20/20, not sure why we made them choose as we all go to the games! Instead of keeping them occupied while the other one is playing, it would be better if they both played. Oh well!
This weekend Matthew had his first soccer game on Saturday morning and Austin his first on Sunday. Matthew picked up the game pretty quickly. He scored three goals! We were all sitting behind the goal, so he had a great applause from the crowd after each goal. He just stood there and smiled. Austin got back in the swing of things too. Fall ball is going to be wonderful for him. He's getting lots of infield practice. In today's game he played short and first. He enjoys first the most because that's where all the action is! He had a nice, hard hit too. Ahh... the ball field. Nice to be back!

This picture isn't close up enough, but that is Matthew kicking the ball in the goal. Score!

Austin ran from 2nd to home without even looking at the 3rd base coach. He has his eyes on home!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

First Days of School

The days are long. The days are packed. The days are exhausting. Our five year olds love kindergarten, but after a day of sitting and listening (with some play time too I’m sure), when they get home, they are ready to go. They wrestle, run, and scream. After my first block plan, I’m on the go until the boys arrive in my classroom at 3:05. School lets out at 3:10. I don’t get a break during the day to get anything done, and then two five year old boys show up. I try to control (not getting much school stuff accomplished) until we go get Maggie and then pick up Jason (we’ve all been car pooling). We go straight to soccer, tee-ball, or dance. We eat, we clean, bathe, read and put to bed. Then, go to the grocery, do laundry, or do dishes. From 5:30am until 11:30pm we’re on the go. Neither one of us really feel like we get any time to ourselves (let alone with each other). Life is just hard right now. We’re okay. We’re doing things the kids enjoy. We’re slowly getting things done around the house. But, I just wish we had some time to slow down and relax a little. I’m afraid life is passing by and we’re just rushing through it trying to make it until we crash in bed at night.
Maggie likes going to Ms. Judy’s house. She is learning a lot, and having fun with her friends. She just started ballet and loves it! She wants to go everyday. I think she looks precious in her leotard, and the teacher said she was happy and did everything!
Matthew enjoys school, especially the playground and the bus. However, we have already started to get notes from the teacher in regards to his listening, attention, and following directions. He has already lost part of recess twice this week (and it’s Wednesday). I hope to have a meeting soon and start some interventions. We have always noted his attention span and processing. I’d like to try several things before we look into testing/ medication. He enjoys soccer and is good at it. His first game is Saturday.
Austin is doing great. He too loves the playground and school bus. He tells me a little more about his day than Matthew. Hopefully I’ll get a few more details when Maggie goes to kindergarten! He received a recognition slip last week for being considerate of others. He was SO proud of it! He enjoys all the art projects he gets to do in school. He has started fall tee-ball and loves every moment. His first game is Sunday. It should be wonderful practice for him because he is one of the few experienced players on his team.

First Day of Kindergarten!

After the First Day of Kindergarten!

Carter Caves last weekend with Daddy, Pap, Uncle Jason, and Thomas

My Little Ballerina!

Showing her Butterfly stamp after Class

Monday, August 9, 2010

Good bye summer, hello KINDERGARTEN!

This summer has flown by faster than I would have liked, but the kids and I have had some very fun times. I am sad to see it go.
The past three weeks have been very full. There have been so many things I've wanted to post, but I just haven't had the time. As I sit here after my first day back, I'm exhausted, need to clean, do laundry, plan lessons, and go to bed. However, here I sit blogging! Few words, mostly pictures.

On July 17 (after my Pa-Paw's beautiful funeral service), my college girlfriends came over for the night. Even though we don't see each other often, when we get together it's like no time has passed. I love them dearly and treasure the memories of our time together.
This past weekend we took the kids to Cincinnati and stayed in the downtown Hyatt. They were very well behaved and enjoyed all the activities we did with them. They especially enjoyed walking through the skywalks downtown. On Friday afternoon we explored the Newport Aquarium. On Saturday, we visited the zoo. We had a very nice dinner at a restaurant downtown Cincinnati on Saturday. Jason and I were a little hesitant to take them to a nice restaurant, but after walking the skywalk, visiting the zoo, and swimming in the hotel pool they barely could keep their heads up at dinner! Jason and I enjoyed a VERY peaceful dinner even with three kids!

Yes, there is a humongous snake on my lap!

Newport Aquarium
Tonight we had an ice cream social at Huntertown!! The boys were very excited to meet their teachers. Matthew was very outgoing. He walked around his room with a huge smile looking at all the fun things. Austin was a little shy. He tends to act silly when in a new situation meeting someone. He was probably pretty typical, but a little embarrassing. Matthew's teacher seems VERY nice, caring, and together. Austin's teacher seems very fun, positive, and patient. I can't wait to see how the boys learn and grow over the next few weeks!

Matthew's teacher Mrs. Harvey

Austin's teacher Ms. Lawson (on right) and assistant Ms. Mitchell