Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Special Mommy Night

Jason and I try to give the kids individual time as much as we can. Unfortunately it doesn't happen as often as we'd like. Tonight, Austin and mommy had a special night. The boys came home with stickers on their backs to remind us of picture day tomorrow. As Austin is overdue for a haircut, the two of us went out to get one around 7:00. After his cut we went to Starbucks. Austin had a kiddie hot chocolate and I had my favorite Pumpkin Spice Latte. We sat inside in the big, comfortable chairs and had a little chat. When we arrived home, the other two were asleep. He needed a bath, so he got to take one in our big tub with the jets. Before bed we practiced writing his whole name, and tried to read a few sight word books.
It was a special night for both of us. He is a wonderful son. He is so sweet and kind. He tries to do his best at everything. Don't get me wrong... we definitely have our four year old moments, but I couldn't have been blessed with a more thoughtful son. He loves to talk about going to college. He packs his backpack everyday, and tells us he has homework to do. Also, he refers to himself as "baseball boy." He LOVES to wear his cowboy boots. In fact, most mornings he asks to wear them. We usually tell him they wouldn't be comfortable to wear all day long. Tonight the hair dresser asked him how old he was and he said, "Four, but I wear five year old clothes." My big boy.... I love him dearly.
Here are a couple tub shots with his hair cut.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

First Day of FALL!!!!!

Jason's New Job
God answered our prayers by providing Jason with a new job opportunity. His last day is this Thursday, September 23. We are thankful for his past few years at Farmer's Capital, but we are excited at the thought of NO MORE TRAVEL!! There have also been some unprofessional situations that have made work not very pleasant for some time now. We will now both be working in the great little town of Versailles! His new job is with Citizen's Commerce. Please pray for a smooth transition, and for the relationships he will form with his new co-workers.
Fall Cleaning
This past weekend Austin and Maggie were a little under the weather, so we didn't want to get out too much. Jason and I spent all day Saturday going through dressers, chest of drawers, and closets. We took out small clothes and summer clothes and put in fall ones. Once again Amy had already given us a bag of clothes for Maggie and the boys. What a blessing! Seriously... we cleaned out the closets and completely filled them again with the next size of nice clothes.
Then.... Sunday we hit the basement! We went through all of the toys upstairs, main floor, and basement! We organized, sorted, and rearranged the toy room. At this point the boys are even putting things back where they belong! Austin drew us a map of where he wanted everything to go in the toy room. When he woke up from nap, we were finished. He said, "Great job you guys. Everything is right where I wanted it!" FYI... not at all what his map said!
Week Eight- Couch to 10K
We just finished our first attempt at 4 miles and... we did it! We ran the entire way. Of course tonight was very humid and hot. It was hard, but rewarding at the end. It is so nice to be able to do it together. Thanks nana and pap! We only have to add two more miles in the next 2 1/2 weeks. We can do it!

Celebrating Grandparents Day at Abuelo's
(abuelos means grandparents in Spanish)

Saturday morning we made a quick stop at Shillito Park for the kids to play. At first we had the entire playground to ourselves! It was a great morning... Great Harvest, Shillito, and then closet cleaning!

I love this picture!

I'm just glad MJ likes the swing and slide. Austin was probably 3 before we could get him on either.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Growing up too fast!

Austin was 2 years and 7 months old when Jason and I decided he was ready to potty train. And, he was. We put him in underware, bought some cars as a reward, and off he went. From day one he told us when he needed to go. He didn't like it at all when we would ask him or remind him. We started the day after we brought home his new baby sister. Jason took off that week, so we thought it would be the perfect week. I don't remember ANY accidents. Unfortunately, now he gets too busy playing and is too lazy to stop and go, so we are now (at age 4) having accidents.
All that to say.... my 20 month old little baby went pee pee in the potty seven times today! Yesterday as I was changing her diaper she pointed to the potty and said, "pee pee". I asked, "Maggie, do you want to go pee pee on the potty?" She jumped up and ran to it. I held her on it, and out it came. I was shocked! We haven't been trying, discussing, or even considering potty training! This morning at Panera, she pointed to the restroom and said, "Pee pee." I asked if she needed to go and she started trying to get out of the high chair. She went, and she did it! We put one of Austin's old pull ups on her, and she went on the potty six more times today. I feel like she is too young, but I've always heard girls are ready before boys. I guess we'll just keep putting her on when we get the chance or when she says she needs to go. I hadn't even given potty training a thought.... although it would be nice to save diaper money!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Gone Fishin' with Caleb and Anna

Amy, Caleb, and Anna joined us at Jesse and Granny's yesterday afternoon. We were fishing when they arrived, so they came on out to the pond. The weather was cool, it was sprinkling, and there were five loud kids. Needless to say, the fish knew we were there! We ended up with more than enough fish, but it took us a little longer than usual. Probably way better than a typical trip, but not what we're used to! We probably fished 1 1/2 hours and caught around 10 fish. Jesse cleaned them up and we had another fish fry last night. The fish were delicious! I think we're heading to Cumberland Falls today if the weather cooperates. Have a nice Labor Day!
Anna caught one!

Jason teaching Caleb how to cast

Mommy showing Anna how to fish

Caleb's first fish

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Southland Welcomes Danville!!

Today Southland Christian Church welcomed the city of Danville to the church family. Jason and I were able to be apart of this historical church moment, and I am so excited! It was more than I expected. The place is wonderful. Once inside, it truly has the look and feel of Southland. We arrived at 9:00 to welcome, help with parking, and fill communion trays. We attended the 10:00 service. The music was fantastic. Because of the smaller sanctuary, worship time felt more intimate. I actually enjoyed it more than in the home sanctuary. Jason and I discussed moving up closer from the bleachers to the floor next Sunday. There were probably 600 people in the first service. I don't know how many were there for the second. I am curious how many were there in total, as well as how many were volunteers. Music was live and the minister was live to welcome and close. Jon was recorded at the Saturday night service and played on the big screens for the sermon. To me, it seemed normal because I usually watch him on the big screens anyway. I believe it will feel and serve as a perfect home church to those in the Danville area. One guy from our sunday school class was outside the building when a man approached him and asked what was going on. He thought it was a big sale. Our friend said, "It's a new church. Why don't you go on in?" The man said, "I'm not really dressed for church, but I'll go check it out." He walked right on in!! Isn't that great!
Here are a few pictures from the building. I didn't take very many because I felt strange doing it. None are from the actual service.
Danville's campus is part of a strip mall with a cinema to the left and a Food Lion to the right.

Sanctuary on left, nursery rooms on right

The Sanctuary (seats 600)

Yesterday, Austin looked down at the road and asked, "Whose footprints are these?" Jason said, "I don't know, maybe grandad's." With a shaky voice Austin said, "No. Those are too big to be grandad's. I think there's a monster around here somewhere." Monster Footprints
A.K.A. Water on the Road

Saturday, September 5, 2009

My "Baseball Boy"

Austin frequently refers to himself as a "baseball boy." He loves to practice hitting, tossing the bat, and running. Today, in London, we were riding bikes and playing baseball outside. Jason decided he wanted to take the kids to his old church baseball field. We packed a picnic lunch and headed to the ball field. The boys were so excited! They loved getting to play on an actual baseball field! They hit the ball and ran very well. EVERY time Austin gets in his batting position he says, "I pledge allegiance" and then puts the hand that was on his heart on top of his other hand on the bat. It's so cute! He tries to have the perfect batting stance every swing.

The church has a very nice shelter with tables beside the ball field. We played, ate, and played some more. The weather was perfect.

Maggie loved the airplane swing. Her favorite word right now is airplane. She screams and points in the air whenever she hears one. I remember when Austin went through his big airplane phase. I think it has to do with us traveling to Versailles everyday and passing the airport twice. Of course the phase Austin never went through was the swing phase! He didn't like being in a swing at all when we has MJ's age.

Big brother helping his little sister. Austin is so good to her.