Tuesday, February 17, 2009

This and That...

So much is happening! Here is a list of some random updates/thoughts/Keith family happenings, etc.
  1. On Friday, Tot's Landing called me at school to inform me that my son stuck an m&m up his nose. Apparently it was stuck so far up that the teachers couldn't see it. After some melting time, Austin blew a chocolate booger. He cried hysterically.
  2. Last Wednesday I picked Matthew up from his daycare and took him (in the rain storm) to Picadome to begin testing for early start. He qualified for a referral in the area of speech. I am waiting to hear back to set up a referral (parent meeting and more testing). I don't think the entire process will happen before the end of this school year, but at least we'll have it in place by next August.
  3. Matthew and his foster mom met with a child psychologist yesterday. Matthew did very well, and has another appointment next week. I hope to be involved in these appointments soon.
  4. Neither birth parent showed up for visitation on Saturday. They both forgot. Matthew questioned why they didn't come.
  5. We weren't at church on Sunday because we attended the baptism of our nephew Caleb. We are so proud of him and the decision he made. Amy is raising him to know and love God.
  6. WOW! What a dinner the Avery's brought us on Wednesday! It was delicious- pot roast, potatoes, carrots, gravy, rolls, salad, jello, and cookies! The best part is that it lasted for our lunches Thursday and Friday and our dinner Friday night! Happily Hitched Sunday School, THIS IS A HUGE HELP! It really allows us time to focus on Matthew Wednesday night without having to eat out or worry about cooking. By the time we get home from work and drive across town to get him, I don't have time to cook.
  7. Our first big homestudy for foster care is tomorrow (Wednesday). I should probably be cleaning...
  8. Many of you have asked about when we are getting Matthew. As of now (and probably a month), we have him four days a week. The cabinet is trying to figure out how we can legally have him now as kinship care and switch to foster care when we are certified. Apparently this doesn't usually happen.
  9. 37 days till Spain! We are getting super excited, but anxious about leaving the kids. I think we need it though!
  10. Austin yelled for me tonight after going to bed. He asked if I'd lay with him. As I crawled in bed he said, "I knew you would want to mommy." As I laid down he put his arm underneath my head, and with the other hand he rubbed my face.


  1. so sweet... and cracks me up about Austin and the m&m.... boys will be boys :)

  2. Ok just a disclaimer- I can't top Mandy's meal tonight!
    Katie at the age of 3 put a BB up her nose and I couldn't get it out and I yelled for Jason in a panic and laid- probably threw her -on the bed and when I did I closed one side of her nose (didn't even mean too) and it shot out! I was ready to take her to the ER. She was getting ready for a bath and came up to me and said I put a BB in my nose. WHY?
    Good luck tonight.
