Saturday, October 10, 2009

Golden Delicious Fall Fun!

What a fun fall day we've had! A wonderful start to my fall break! We started at the South Elkhorn Fair... one of my favorite things to do in the fall. We dropped the kids off at mom and dad's, so Jason and I could enjoy it together (Thanks!). We bought Maggie some adorable hair bows and a WCHS outfit! It is a blue jean skirt with all different yellow and black (school colors) ribbon looped around the bottom edge (like little taggies). The shirt will have the same ribbon sewn across the front with Maggie embroidered on it. I'll definitely post a picture of her in it. We bought the boys marshmallow shooter guns. They are hilarious! You put a mini marshmallow in at the top and shoot it out by blowing really hard. I promise, it is neater and funnier than I made it sound! The boys have had a ball with them.

Then, we headed to Granny and Grandad's house in London. Aunt Wanda and Uncle Marion are in from South Carolina. So, we all headed out to Granny and Jesse's house. Aunt Chris, Uncle Fred, cousin Carrie, Amy, Caleb, and Anna came too. Wanda brought a TON of Golden Delicious apples from an Orchard in South Carolina. Jesse got out his apple peeler, corer, slicer and the fun began! It was a memorable and yummy experience. Have you ever had a Golden Delicious apple tossed in sugar? Well, you should try it! We now have a freezer full of apples ready to be cooked with butter, and cinnamon. Yum! Jessica, just wait for your first bite of fried apples. I'll cook some for you! (Seriously, who's never had fried apples?)

I started out at the apple peeler and ended up being the toss in sugar and bag filler with Jason's cousin Carrie (She just moved back to London from Texas. She has lived there since I have been part of the family).

After preparing the apples, Jesse fixed a delicious spaghetti meatball dinner. We left before the fried apple pies were made. I hope Jackie gets home soon with mine. I have the coffee waiting!

Here are some pictures of the apple party!
There were even more than this! We only fixed four bags today. The rest are Chris' and Jesse's.

Aunt Chris helping Caleb with the peeler.
The kids enjoyed peeling the apples... for about ten minutes.

Miss Mag loved eating the apples. I had my hand on my face. I looked over at her and this is what I saw. My precious baby.
Thanks Kimmie for the pink Gap sweater. All three wore your shirts today.

Jackie, Jesse, and Wanda.

Cousin Carrie (Chris' granddaughter) tossing the apples and sugar.

1 comment:

  1. The Keith's sure have a lot of family gatherings that involve the whole family...nice memories for all the kids. I'm sure Jason, Amy and Aprile must recall many such times. I love it that it now includes MY grandbabies!
