Saturday, October 31, 2009

A Magical Disney Halloween

With the boys being four and Maggie being almost two, this Halloween has been the best one yet! We have three Disney characters this year. Best Buds Woody and Buzz Lightyear and little Miss Minnie Mouse. We have already gotten great use of the costumes.
On Thursday, we visited at Kimmie's house. We ate yummy taco soup with PB&J sandwiches and the kids got lots of Halloween treats.
On Friday all three of the kids had Halloween parties at school. I had the best treat of all! Little Minnie Mouse and her two school friends came to trick or treat in my classroom. The boys wore their suits to school for their party. They went trick or treating from classroom to classroom and iced and decorated cookies. Unfortunately Mommy left Austin's cowboy hat at school. I guess next year when we receive the letter that says not to bring accessories we'll listen! Austin was such a great sport. I've mentioned in previous posts that he loves his hat and wants to wear it daily. When we realized we had left his hat he was upset, but didn't shed a tear.
Friday night we made our Trick or Treating rounds to my Granny and Ma-maw and Pa-paw's. It was great to see them. I am blessed with wonderful grandparents who love to see the kids. Woody lucked out..... Ma-maw hat a cowboy hat from when she traveled to Texas! Woody is now complete with a new hat!
Here are a few pictures of Friday. Just a reminder... I can't post pics of one special boy.
FYI.... he's the one with a Jack-O-Lantern face!

Woody, Buzz, and Minnie Mouse

Visiting with Gigi

Gigi tickled Maggie's tickie hoe (Tickling hole AKA belly button). MJ raised her dress and Gigi got her. She laughed and loved it!

Woody and Buzz giving my Pap-Paw a big hug

Nana and Minnie

Minnie loves Pa-Paw... Pa-paw loves Minnie too.

Minnie has a hard time keeping her ears on.

Me and My Pa-Paw
I sat by his side most of the visit and he rubbed my arm. His hands were so warm. He looked at me in the eyes and said "I love you sweetie" before I left. He put both hands on Austin's face and said,"Pa-Paw loves you." I pray Austin Porter will always remember his Great Grandfather Stanley Porter.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures and I'm glad M is in them. The new FB look is fun...spooky...boooooo!! Love you...have a great weekend in London.
