Saturday, July 10, 2010

MEGA Southland Youth Reunion

We had a nice time tonight at my youth group reunion. It was a Brewster years reunion, so anyone who grew up under him in the youth was able to come. It was wonderful to see old friends, hear tributes to Brewster, worship God together again, and laugh at old memories.

My Best Youth Buddies Casey and Amanda

Ok... this was a little crazy, and I didn't expect it at all, but we toilet papered a huge tree as a reminder of all the papering we did in school. Brewster used to say that if you used color toilet paper it was a friendly TP (they don't sell it any more). One memory I have is walking up on Brewster and some other youth at Winn-Dixie buying TP. Turns out they had planned my house for that night. Ha! They couldn't do it because I caught them and, therefore, would have known it was them! Another memory is Christmas in July. Some friends and I popped popcorn all day. That night we put it all over Brewster's lawn, with wrapped boxes, red and green crape paper on the trees, a snowman, and music on the porch. It was all in love!

My big brother Jason's friends
More of his friends
Robyn is one of my close friends from college, not youth. Small world.... she married someone I've known for years.
I can't put my love for Brewster into words. He holds many of my fondest memories of growing up. God used Brewster to greatly influence my life.
As Brewster would say, "Later, Love ya, bye!"


  1. How cool! He was a great youth leader-he reached out to Krista when she first moved back here from Jamaica!!
    Looks like everyone had a great time!

  2. Love this blog entry...great photos, so very happy you and your family attended this reunion. Brewster, Todd, & Monte taught both you and Jason Allen about God and nurtured your faith. For that, words aren't enough of how thankful I am.
