Monday, June 1, 2009

Making Memories

This past weekend we went to Jason's parent's house in London. Kimmie gave Austin and Matthew fishing poles for his birthday, so we had to try them out!
First, we practiced casting in the pool. They did well, and we were pleased not to tangle the line.
On Sunday we went to Uncle Jesse and Granny's house for lunch in Clay County. Then, we climbed in the back of Jesse's truck and he drove us to the ponds. The boys thought it was so neat to ride in the back of a truck! Jason's Granny's house is in the background of this picture. It is over 100 years old.
Walking to the pond the boys held hands so they wouldn't fall on the uneven ground. I got the picture without them knowing it because I was walking behind them!

Once we got to the pond we helped the boys cast their line. After waiting a few seconds they both had a bite! They got a little scared when they felt the fish tug. I don't think they knew what to expect. They didn't like the fish flopping around when it was reeled in either!

Jason and Matthew caught the first big one!
Well, we started the day with one more rod and reel than we ended. Matthew was fishing with Grandad when he caught a big one. Once it was reeled in a little bit, Grandad went to grab the fish and Matthew let go of the rod. The fish took the opportunity to escape... with the rod and reel!

Uncle Jesse worked really hard on Sunday! He cooked us lunch, took us fishing, cleaned the fish, and fried the fish! We owe him big! I hope he realizes how memorable of a day it was for us.

Austin and Matthew wouldn't touch a fish... really, they didn't even want to pose beside it!

Our second to largest fish

The largest fish we caught is the one in Jesse's hand. It was about two feet long. Guess who caught it.... ME! I even caught it with the kiddie rod.

We ended the day with a fish fry. The fish were so yummy! Fresh, farm raised Catfish. We only went for about an hour. We caught about ten fish and threw back several. Our secret???? Jesse raises the Catfish and sells them to pay lakes. It was a VERY stocked pond! As long as we didn't throw the bait off as we cast, we caught a fish within just a few seconds. I'm not a fisherman, but I can handle that! It was a great day. By the way, the boy's had several helpings of fish.


  1. so cute!! maggie is intently watching that fish in the picture :)

  2. I guess Kimmie is going to have to buy another fishing pole... Gladly knowing they had so very much fun with them. Thank you Becky and Jason for all you do keeping us up-to-date with all the wonderful things going on in the Keith house :) Love, Kimmie
