Thursday, January 21, 2010

Under Construction!

A Well Deserved Remodel
Jason's dad and Uncle Jesse came down today to begin construction in Matthew's bedroom. When we built our house, we changed a small bedroom to an office with a double door opening to our bedroom. Doing this took out the closet. It was wonderful as an office, but not so great for a four year old's bedroom! Today they took off the doors, hung dry wall, and began framing the closet. Soon we'll be able to paint, buy a new bedroom suit for him, and pick out bedding! Matthew is so excited. He wanted to sleep in the closet tonight! Also, he has his heart set on painting the room blue.... it's his favorite color right now.

Squid Dogs!
These were fun to make and turned out really well, so I thought I'd share them! We spent last weekend in London with Jason's family. Amy brought her Family Fun magazine, and we saw an idea we wanted to try. Squid dogs! They are so easy. You cut a hot dog (we cut in fourths) and poke raw spaghetti noodles through the hot dogs. Then, boil the dogs and noodles at the same time. We added cheese to make the eyes and mouth. The kids ate them up!


  1. Matthew you take after your Kimmie... my favorite color is blue too :) I can't wait to have a tour of your new room! Love Kimmie

  2. Matthew was so excited last night to tell me about his new room. He mentioned quite clearly about the "blue" paint and that HE was going to paint it...just a heads up Becky.
