Saturday, September 5, 2009

My "Baseball Boy"

Austin frequently refers to himself as a "baseball boy." He loves to practice hitting, tossing the bat, and running. Today, in London, we were riding bikes and playing baseball outside. Jason decided he wanted to take the kids to his old church baseball field. We packed a picnic lunch and headed to the ball field. The boys were so excited! They loved getting to play on an actual baseball field! They hit the ball and ran very well. EVERY time Austin gets in his batting position he says, "I pledge allegiance" and then puts the hand that was on his heart on top of his other hand on the bat. It's so cute! He tries to have the perfect batting stance every swing.

The church has a very nice shelter with tables beside the ball field. We played, ate, and played some more. The weather was perfect.

Maggie loved the airplane swing. Her favorite word right now is airplane. She screams and points in the air whenever she hears one. I remember when Austin went through his big airplane phase. I think it has to do with us traveling to Versailles everyday and passing the airport twice. Of course the phase Austin never went through was the swing phase! He didn't like being in a swing at all when we has MJ's age.

Big brother helping his little sister. Austin is so good to her.

1 comment:

  1. That's my baseball boy! A chip off the old block. I am glad he is remembering which hand goes on top! I love these pictures...hard to believe but I don't think I saw them all week. Give the boys a hug and kiss from Nan. Tell Maggie Nana loves her!
