Tuesday, September 22, 2009

First Day of FALL!!!!!

Jason's New Job
God answered our prayers by providing Jason with a new job opportunity. His last day is this Thursday, September 23. We are thankful for his past few years at Farmer's Capital, but we are excited at the thought of NO MORE TRAVEL!! There have also been some unprofessional situations that have made work not very pleasant for some time now. We will now both be working in the great little town of Versailles! His new job is with Citizen's Commerce. Please pray for a smooth transition, and for the relationships he will form with his new co-workers.
Fall Cleaning
This past weekend Austin and Maggie were a little under the weather, so we didn't want to get out too much. Jason and I spent all day Saturday going through dressers, chest of drawers, and closets. We took out small clothes and summer clothes and put in fall ones. Once again Amy had already given us a bag of clothes for Maggie and the boys. What a blessing! Seriously... we cleaned out the closets and completely filled them again with the next size of nice clothes.
Then.... Sunday we hit the basement! We went through all of the toys upstairs, main floor, and basement! We organized, sorted, and rearranged the toy room. At this point the boys are even putting things back where they belong! Austin drew us a map of where he wanted everything to go in the toy room. When he woke up from nap, we were finished. He said, "Great job you guys. Everything is right where I wanted it!" FYI... not at all what his map said!
Week Eight- Couch to 10K
We just finished our first attempt at 4 miles and... we did it! We ran the entire way. Of course tonight was very humid and hot. It was hard, but rewarding at the end. It is so nice to be able to do it together. Thanks nana and pap! We only have to add two more miles in the next 2 1/2 weeks. We can do it!

Celebrating Grandparents Day at Abuelo's
(abuelos means grandparents in Spanish)

Saturday morning we made a quick stop at Shillito Park for the kids to play. At first we had the entire playground to ourselves! It was a great morning... Great Harvest, Shillito, and then closet cleaning!

I love this picture!

I'm just glad MJ likes the swing and slide. Austin was probably 3 before we could get him on either.


  1. What a fun and productive weekend! We are planning one of those for the upcoming one. Maybe we can get together to play for a little bit. Oh, and I am SO VERY proud of you guys for doing so well with your running. I am so impressed. And yeah for Jason's new job. Miss you guys!!!

  2. Great pictures, and we don't help enough. We seem never to "get in" our short walk, with work and all...but we can try to step it up. I am happy dad has wanted to come over to your house some nights when I just can't do one more thing...isn't he the best???
