Sunday, February 21, 2010

Weekend Highlights

We'll start with Thursday.... Amy, Caleb, and Anna came over for dinner and playtime. It's so great to have close cousins!
We had Jennifer and Nick Cooper babysit the kids on Friday night. Jason and I spent the evening furniture shopping for Matthew's room. Then, we had a late meal at P.F. Changs. It was delicious and great to eat with just Jason. We didn't have any luck with the furniture though.
Saturday dad watched the kids so we could do more furniture shopping. We ended up at Haverty's in Hamburg. We decided on a bed there. I think the dark wood is going to look nice with his new bedding. Here is the progress on his room:
It just needs one more skim coat of mud, sanding, and some paint!

Matthew's new bed

Matthew's dream room!
We purchased the pirate quilt and the Euro sham last weekend in Louisville with some significant help from Jason's mom (Matthew's b-day present from her). He will be getting some accent pieces too. I'll post a picture after it's completed!
Saturday night we went to the Groth's for Life Group. The kids played well together, the men yelled at the UK players as they watched the game, and we girls enjoyed chatting with each other as usual.
Sunday I decided I would take advantage of the beautiful day and run! We haven't ran since Oct. or Nov. and we are ready to get back in shape! I needed a new pair of running shoes so I went shopping today. These are the shoes I purchased (Asics Gel-Kayano 16):
I was proud of myself, even though I probably over did it for the first time back out. I walked .4, ran 2, and walked .4.

I thought I'd end the post with Maggie's new outfit that she wore to church today. She spins around as soon as she steps in to it. I can't wait for her to start dance in the fall!

1 comment:

  1. Maggie and that tutu cracks me funny. I can see her spinning around. I read Sara's message below about Ellie & Austin and I agree...I would love for them to spend elementary yrs. together, but I don't see that happening in two different counties! However, we'll have to wait and see in about 20+ years if they will still be "in love"! At least I hope they remain very close as friends!
