Thursday, July 16, 2009

To see or not to see?????

So..... I have found the downside to the gulf coast... You can see what you're swimming with! Today.... a shark. Yes, some would say a small, harmless shark (Jason, his mom, sister, etc), however, I would say.... A SHARK! It doesn't matter how small! Needless to say, I screamed like a little girl and ran out of the ocean. My heart was pounding and my knees were shaking. I may never swim in the ocean the same. I did get back in, but every little thing that touched my leg freaked me out! At least on the Atlantic side of Florida you can't see what you're swimming with!
We had a great morning in the ocean (other than the shark). The kids played for at least two hours in the ocean and sand. The water is almost hotter than bath water! It feels so good... almost too hot, if that's possible. I loved just floating in the ocean while the kids played. We are having a very relaxing, family vacation. Tonight Jackie is making lasagna. Yum! We are staying in and going back out to the pool for an evening swim. Maybe even a romantic walk on the beach!
Here are a few photos of the before near death experience.

Cousin Caleb

Amy and Anna

1 comment:

  1. Little sharks still have SHARP teeth. Ouch. I thought all the sharks were at New Smryna! The water looks divine. Just Heavenly. I love the photo of Austin....all the pictures are great and I am glad you are having such a nice time. Hi boys and Maggie. Love you, Nana and Pap
