Friday, August 7, 2009

My Last Day of Summer :(

I've been busy trying to enjoy my last few days of summer as well as get things ready for school. I've had several thoughts in my head to blog, but no time to do it! Here are a few things that have happened over the last week or so.

From Couch Potato to 10K

Jason and I have a new running goal. As some of you know, we started running last summer. After breaking the double jogging stroller (funny story), winter, and adding a kid, we haven’t been running. Jason came home with a printed out plan yesterday. It’s called “Couch potato to 10K.” It is a 10 week plan to get you to a 10K. I don’t know… I feel like it will take longer than 10 weeks to get me to 6.2 miles. I’ve NEVER been a runner. I really want to do this though. I need to loose some weight and get in shape. I’ll keep you posted. The first week we are supposed to only do one mile 4-6 days. It is a mix of running and jogging. We are two for two. Maybe we’ll stick to it since we’re being eased in! Anyone want to join us? Our goal is a 10K race on Oct. 17. It is a special cause we are excited to support, CASA. CASA stands for Court Appointed Special Advocates. This is just another person to be an advocate for foster children in Lexington. They are volunteers who take the more severe cases. Run for Kids' Sake is the theme!

My First Sewing Experience

Believe it or not.... I used a sewing machine for the first time and ended up with a cute desk skirt! My co-worker Jessica and several other teachers at school have fabric desk skirts that wrap around their teacher desk. I’ve wanted one, but never knew how to make it (or had the time). On Saturday night I took my fabric over to my sister-in-law’s house and she helped me measure, cut, iron, and pin the fabric in place. Then, I sewed it! It fits perfectly and looks really nice. Anything to make my concrete block classroom with zero windows look homey!

Maggie's First Dental Check-up

Maggie had her first dental appointment Tuesday with Dr. Steckler. I felt like it was a little early, but they have a sign that says, “First tooth, first birthday, first appointment.” I guess it’s good to get them used to the dentist. Dr. Steckler just looked in her mouth to see how her teeth are coming in. He said everything looked perfect.

Evening with Kimmie, Brittany, and James

Yesterday afternoon Kim brought her niece and nephew, Brittany and James, over to eat and play. She brought salad and pizza from Puccini’s. Yum! We had a great dinner, and then Brittany and James played with the kids while Kim and I chatted. She also brought goodie bags for the kids that included new green, white, and navy striped Polos, Spiderman shirts, granola bars, rice crispy treats, and crisp new dollar bills. Maggie had a bag too with a new white Polo, PJ's, and goodies. Kim, Brittany, and James helped put the kids to bed. Great night! Thanks Kimmie!

Treasure Boxes

We are trying a new disciple strategy. On Monday I took the boys to the Dollar Store to make treasure boxes. They each got a small Styrofoam cooler and chose eight toys. It was so fun! The boys LOVED it! When we got home, they designed their boxes with markers and stickers. Each one has a discipline goal. If they meet their goal each day they get to choose one toy out of their treasure box. Thanks Sara for the treasure box idea!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to read about your time with Kim and family. I hadn't remembered this and hadn't asked you about it. Love the blog! Nice of Kimmie to bring such "useful" things as new polos!! The boys do wear them a lot and needed new ones for school. I am glad Brit Brit (as the boys call her) and James got to visit. Hope they enjoyed it! Blessings for a great school year. I know it's not so fun to go back, but I hope your classes are good and the students are there to learn.
