Sunday, January 11, 2009

Our First Visit (Saturday, Jan. 10)

The boys in their fort

Jason setting up the train table

Matthew LOVES playing with the trains

The boys playing tackle football

At 9:00 on the dot we pulled into Tina’s driveway. I think this is the first time we’ve ever been on time! We didn’t want to miss one minute with Matthew. Tina was at work, so her sister was watching Matthew. She had him all bundled up in a nice suede Tommy Hilfiger coat and a sock hat. At first Matthew was very quiet. I asked if he was ready to come play with us and Austin, and he nodded his head yes. I told him we were very excited to be with him, and that we had been waiting to get to see him. I gave him a big hug.
We had all three car seats buckled in the Envoy’s backseat. It was a tight squeeze, but, thankfully, they all fit. Austin was so excited to be with Matthew. Matthew was very quiet at first. Austin wouldn’t stop talking to him. Finally Austin said, “Momma, he’s not talking to me. Matthew, why aren’t you talking to me?” I told Austin that he needed to give Matthew some time to warm up to us again.
Our first stop was Krispy Kreme. There is a toy corner for the kids, so it was perfect. The boys played so nicely in the corner while we ordered breakfast. We told them it was time to eat, and they stopped playing at once and came to the table. Matthew immediately started to drink his chocolate milk, but didn’t touch his doughnut. He was being so good, but not eating a bite. Jason asked if I thought sweet things hurt his teeth. There are so many things we will learn with time about Matthew. I asked if he had eaten breakfast and he said yes, cereal. So, I guess that's why he didn't eat the doughnut. But, do sweet things hurt his teeth? I don't want to give him anything that will cause a tooth ache. He sat there so well while Austin ate. After he finished his doughnut, we told them they could go play again. Our first adventure out with three children could not have been better. The older couple beside us enjoyed watching the kids. As they left the woman said to me, “You are so blessed. You have your girl and he has his boys.” I laughed and said, “Yes we are.” I guess we always assumed since Matthew and Austin are so close in age and don’t look alike, people wouldn’t think they’re brothers. I’m sure people will question our family and we’ll hear lots of odd comments over time. I just pray he feels equal to the other children in our family. When he is with us, we will care for him, love him, and discipline him as we do our own.
As we put out coats back on we were talking about going home. Matthew kept saying, “I want to go to your house Austin. I want to play choo choo.” My most vivid memory of Matthew and Katie is playing around the train table and them singing, “choo choo train, choo choo train.” We assured him that was exactly what we were on our way to do. As we got to the house, he was the first one out of the car. He ran right to the door, went inside, looked for the train, and ran up the steps to look in Austin’s room. I was so happy he felt that comfortable. Jason, Austin, and Matthew set the track up on the train table. Matthew and Austin played with the trains for hours. Matthew likes to link as many trains together as he can get to go. The boys also enjoyed using the tools in the toolbox and flying the airplanes.
The big boy and two little ones enjoyed playing tackle football the most. One of them would get the ball and take off running. Jason would go after them, catch them, and tackle. They loved piling on top of him.
We debated on going to Caroline’s party with Matthew. Jason was afraid there would be too many new people. In the end, we decided to go. After all, it’s a birthday party! When we arrived, the kids were doing a craft. Austin and Matthew didn’t want to join the party. They decided they’d rather play. After making them go in, they made two cute plaques with glitter, stars, and jewels. Cara had several games planned for the kids. Austin held Matthew’s hand most of the party. As the boys played musical chairs, they held hands and walked round and round. When the music ended, they wouldn’t sit down unless there were two chairs side by side. Matthew wanted to go to the playroom to play. He didn’t want to watch Caroline open presents. I made the mistake of telling the boys that Matthew’s birthday was coming up soon, so he wanted to open Caroline’s presents. I told him we’ll have a big party just for Matthew.
We wanted a very low key day, but ended up packing it full. It was wonderful to be with him though. We look forward to getting to know him better and better with each visit. Like I promised Austin right after we picked Matthew up, it didn’t take him long to open up. Matthew and Austin sang, yelled, and talked at the top of their lungs the entire way back. Austin kept asking him if he wanted to sleep at his house, and Matthew kept saying yes. I assured them he’d get to sleep over soon. The hardest part of this transitional period is going to be taking him back. I can’t wait to have him again. I’m sure the road ahead will be difficult at times, but it sure was great today. We feel so blessed to have this opportunity.


  1. Hey guys,
    I'm so glad you guys had a great visit. I have tears in my eyes as I read your blog. I can't wait til he is part of your family.

  2. Thank you so very, very much Becky. I have many tears flowing this morning but they are "happy tears" and I think this is a wonderful way to keep up with all that's happening at the Keith house and with Matthew. What a blessing you and Jason, Austin and Maggie are to our little Matthew and certainly an answered prayer. Words cannot express how grateful I am for you and your family. I cannot wait to see him, hug him and tell him how very much I love him. With much sincerity and love, Kim "Matthew's Kimmie".

  3. We are praying for you every step of the way and are here for you 100%. Love you!!!

  4. I'm so glad that your first visit went so well! I know that you all are going to be a great little family. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help with the process. We're praying for you all!

  5. I'm so happy for you ! This makes me cry... He is absolutely adorable, and the jealousy thing .. It will go away ;) we need more people in the world like you and your family who actually take that extra step to help. You have a BEAUTIFUL family. If you ever need a baby sitter just call me =)

    Im will pray for matthew
    Congarts and god bless you all

    -Sam Battaglia

  6. So, I have since found out that Matthew does not like doughnuts! When Tina told him we were going to take him to dinner Wednesday, he said, "Tina, I do not want doughnuts again!" Live and learn, right? I hope we made it up on Wednesday. I do know that Chuck E. Cheese would be a hit. When we passed it on Wednesday he yelled, "Chuch E. Cheese! I like Chuch E. Cheese!" Maybe we'll do that one Wednesday.
