Sunday, December 27, 2009

Our Merry Christmas

We truly had a special Christmas this year. Spending time with family was the highlight for me. Christmas Eve we went to Granny and Jesse’s house in Clay County. We had a huge dinner with turkey, ham and all the fixings. Christmas was complete with our large box of Godiva, traditionally sent from Cousin Steven in San Francisco. It arrived with perfect timing on Christmas Eve. We look forward to this yearly as we search the chocolate guide with pictures and descriptions for our perfect piece of chocolate. Mine this year had a smooth coffee filling.

The Cousins!

Aunt Aprile and Cousin Anna

Jason's Aunt Chris, Aunt Wanda, and Uncle Marion

Maggie already loves all things princess! Here she is opening up a purse with all the necessities. She and Anna loved playing make-up with the play eye shadow and lipstick.
We arrived back home late Christmas Eve. We purposely tried to keep the boys awake the ride home by watching a movie on our new dual DVD players (thanks Granny !and Grandad)! We wanted the boys to be awake when we got home so they could set out milk and cookies for Santa. After putting them to bed, the fun began! We had everything perfectly arranged before we crashed. It looked so good with the lights turned out and the tree lit up.
Christmas morning the kids were great. They opened all their toys with excitement. Our only surprise was Austin saying (about the Jeep), “Hey, Nana and Pap have one of these too!” Note to self….. next year hide things somewhere else or cover it up!

After playing with toys and trying to clean things up, we headed over to Mom and Dad’s. We had a relaxing day over there. We had a great lasagna lunch (as requested by my brother and me). I don’t know why, but I love having lasagna on Christmas. Maybe because we’ve had lots of traditional food the night before? Mom and dad gave us a big, beautiful Doug Prather Horse print. We wanted this for the stairway to the basement. We already have it up, and it's perfect! The kids received a Wii from nana and pap. Jason and Pap set it up and the fun began! Jason and Pap were very patient while teaching the boys how to bowl, play tennis, and baseball. I enjoyed playing Rook with mom, my bother, and ma-maw. Maybe I enjoyed it so much because I got the Rook 6 of 10 rounds!

Nana and Maggie

Ma-Maw and Maggie
Nana started Maggie's American Girl collection this year by giving her a Bitty Baby.

After coming home we set up the Wii and Wii fit (from Granny and Grandad). We didn’t enjoy the thing telling us we were out of balance and weak! I guess we need a little more work!
It was a wonderful Christmas. Now….. on to Maggie’s 2nd Birthday, then, our 8th anniversary, followed by New Year’s! The fun never stops!

Here are a couple of pictures from my surprise birthday party. I stole these off of mom's blog. The second picture is one of me and my good friend Jessica (co-worker too). I talk about her in several blogs, so I thought it would be good to put a face with the name. Her husband Matthew is in the picture too.


  1. Can I just say I love your parents for getting you guys a Wii :) I'm sure Nick and the boys will get good use out of that on New Years Eve! My parents have one and we love playing it down there! It told me I was 35 :( And I can't believe Maggie is 2!!! I knew her birthday was coming up soon but I just can't believe it!! Can't wait to see you all in a couple days!!

  2. Hey Jennifer (you most likely won't see this!)...I hope Nick plays Wii with the boys as well, it will get them better at using it! They are still getting the hang of the controller...make sure they put it over their wrists!!!
