Saturday, December 19, 2009

Tot's Landing Christmas Program

We have been preparing since early November for this year's Tot's Landing Christmas program. The boys came home one day singing, "I'm a little Christmas tree tall and straight. Here are my branches for you to decorate..." All together they sang three songs.... motions and all! As expected, they did much better at home, than on stage! I didn't know they were wearing Santa hats, so when they came out, it took a while to figure out which ones the boys were. The shoes helped a lot. Austin's height helps too.
This year the theme was the Christmas tree. Each classroom was a different part of the tree. As you can see in the pictures, the boys' classroom were the ornaments. Every room was too cute! It was fun to see our good friends the Crum's and the Coleman's little ones sing too. They also have bigger kids in the boys' room too.
Mom had bunco at her house, but dad came and was a huge help with Maggie. She sat with her Pap the whole time. Uncle Jason came too. Afterwards we went out to dinner. It was a great night. M also had a nice surprise with seven family members there to watch.
From the left, the boys are the 3rd and 7th.

As you can tell, their ornaments are beautifully decorated with glitter paint. Austin decorated all over, M decorated around the center star. They made these at school, and hung them from the ceiling to decorate their classroom.


  1. i'm soo mad at you right now!! this was at our church and you didn't even tell us about it!!! you are in big trouble missy!!!!! :)

  2. p.s. did austin remember being there before :)

  3. I know! I should have invited you! We talked about your wedding and watched the video of Austin walking down the aisle the next day.
