Wednesday, March 18, 2009

This Week's Top Three

Here are the top three events of our week. In no particular order....

  • Tonight we wanted to enjoy the beautiful weather, so we went over to mom and dad's. The boys love playing in the tree house, running in the huge yard, and feeding the fish. Mom and dad watched the kids while Jason and I went running (thank you). That's when the big splash occurred... and I do mean SPLASH! Matthew and Austin were sitting on two rocks feeding the fish with nana. When Matthew started to stand up he lost his balance and in he went... all the way! Once out, Mom ran him inside to take off his wet clothes. He kept yelling that the fish were biting his feet inside his shoes. Dad assured him that there were no fish inside his shoes. He then said they were inside his socks biting him. Dad told him that if the fished touched his legs they were just giving him kisses. When we returned from our run, Matthew told me that the fish kissed him like this and he put his hand up to his lips and kissed, kissed, kissed.
  • We met with Matthew's psychiatrist yesterday. He had nothing but wonderful things to say. He said Matthew is very likable. He is friendly and fun to be around. He plays very imaginatively. Imaginative play is sometimes difficult for children who have suffered a traumatic event. He felt this was a very good sign of Matthew's future. He hasn't seen any negative themes in his play. We were so pleased!
  • So, I got another call from Tot's Landing. If you don't remember the last call from Tot's, let me remind you. Austin stuck an m&m up his nose. Well, this call beat it! Somehow Austin got toilet paper stuck in his penis. Seriously..... how did he do that?? Why did he do that? He doesn't like it to be wet at all. We tell him to shake and not wipe, but he can't stand for his underwear to get wet. I have caught him wiping several times. Mom even said one time she found toilet paper wadded up in his underwear. When she asked him about it he told her his underwear was wet and he was drying it with the TP. I guess that's how it happened! I had to leave work to go to Tot's to get it out, When I got there I started to touch it and he said, "Maybe if I go pee pee it will come out." Well, sure enough, it came right out.


  1. Oh my Becky, that is too funny about Austin! Glad you all enjoyed the warm weather!

  2. Danny was certain the story about the TP would make the blog. :) What did we talk about before kids!!!
    I want you to know how happy I am that things are becoming more routine and natural for your family. I know when you return from your MUCH NEEDED trip to Spain, everything is going to fall right into place. You continue to amaze me through all of this! I am so proud to have you as a best friend!!!

  3. Wow what can I say- maybe it's a good thing I don't have boys!! The only thing that has been put somewhere it shouldn't have gone was when Katie was 3 she put a bb in her nose- so easy to deal with.
    Have a great time in Spain. I'm so glad Matthew is doing so well!!
    I'm so impressed that you guys are running together!

  4. Hilarious! Gotta love those little boys!!! Takes me back to when Adam was little and would do some of the strangest things!!
    Great news about Matthew. He is so lucky to have so much love in his little life.

  5. Becky & Jason, I am writing this before we take off for Florida in the morning (Friday). You both have just talked to Austin to say goodnight and have now boarded the plane for Madrid. We will pray now with Austin for your safe trip. He is rolling off the mattress singing the "roll over" song where one falls off and the little one said...roll over...he is happy, so you be can be happy. We will watch him as closely as would if you had him...I won't take my eye off him to check on Maggie!! Love

  6. I know you'll care for him as you would if he were your child... probably more. He'll have a blast.
