Monday, March 30, 2009

Today's adventures in Salamanca

Well, today has been a journey! Let's just start by saying I just got back from a ride to the hospital! That's all it was... a ride.
So, J and I toured the bell tower of the cathedral. There was an unfortunate gutter beside the railing that I didn't see (yes mom, I realize if you were here you would have pointed it out to me). I'm just glad there was a railing... if not, well.... it would have been an earlier trip to the hospital (I know mom, you don’t trust me in high places). After my trip in the gutter we walked around Salamanca for the next two hours. I ran up steps, down steps, and in and out of stores. It didn’t hurt at all. It wasn't until 8:30 tonight that my ankle became unbearable. It hurt so bad that I was shaking, and wanted to cry. We went to the hospital at about 11:00. How embarrassing! I had to have two girls help me down to the taxi. Don’t worry; Jason was with me….. actually, unbeknownst to me, behind me with the video camera. The hospital didn’t accept my travel insurance, so I decided it wasn’t worth the unknown amount of money. So, I’m waiting it out until tomorrow to see how it feels. Please pray! We have walked an average of eight miles everyday (Jason has been wearing a pedometer), and tomorrow is no exception. Now I’m sitting with ice on my ankle and it is feeling night and day better from earlier. Seriously, can you believe this happened???? I am so embarrassed!


  1. i hope it gets better soon! i can't believe you have a hurt ankle in Spain of all places!!!

  2. I'll be praying for your ankle to get better! Buy a bandage or something to wrap it with. Advil too - you can take up to 4 three times a day.

  3. Now I understand. And, you are right, I see exactly what happened and thank God the railing was there. You just get so excited and "miss" certain gutters! Thank God you are OK and I'll stand by Cara's entry above...she would know best! Austin fell asleep on the way back from Bealls but woke back up and came to see me here on the way out to the pool. I showed him your newest pictures and he said "mommy, daddy" and kissed the screen. He was fine running out with Aunt Martha so all is good. Love you guys and I hope and pray the ankle stays well. Keep it propped up and don't shy away from the Advil! Until next time...

  4. Oh, Becky. My goodness. I will say a prayer too. Hang in there. :)
