Friday, April 3, 2009

Move in Day Finally Arrived

Matthew was ready and waiting on us today. He seemed very excited about his move. I asked him if he said goodbye to his friends and teachers at school. Tina laughed and told me as the kids said goodbye he ran out the door ready to get home and move. He has done very well this evening, however he has had a couple of tearful moments. He has been through so much. I can't wait to give him a safe, stable home and our love.
Matthew helped move his most important items... his toys!

Saying goodbye to Tina

Ready to get in the car, but willing to stop and take another picture

All of Matthew's belongings... toys, toys, and more toys!


  1. Yeah!!! Matthew is so blessed to be part of such an amazing family. I am so happy for all five of you.

  2. That's fantastic! I can't wait to babysit all 3 of your incredible children! Matthew is truly a blessed child, and I know the Lord will bless your entire family in the future!
