Sunday, April 26, 2009

Planting with Preschool BOYS!

So I had this great idea to give each kid their own planter to care for this summer. We went to Lowe's Saturday morning (after Spaulding donuts and Jacobson AND yummy!) to pick out flowers. I will let the pictures show you how it went...
We're off to a great start... even posing for a picture!
We used my vegetable garden (nothing planted yet) to scoop up dirt to mix in with the potting soil.

The kids did a great job mixing and scooping. This was the best part of the experience!

After planting, they took turns watering. UNTIL I went to refill the watering can...... THEN

The not so beautiful end result!
Needless to say, my reaction wasn't worthy of any "Mom of the Year" award! Once I got over it, we talked about how flowers grow, spread, and continue blooming. So, before long we should have pretty flower boxes for the deck. Maybe next time we'll sow seeds instead!

We ended both Saturday and Sunday night driving with Ellie. The kids had a blast. We are just trying to get them to understand they aren't driving bumper cars!
Thank you God for sunshine, family, friends, and laughter!


  1. Wow it's funny how the minds of little boys differ from girls!! The picture of the tops of the flowers on the ground and the box where they are missing was too funny- granted I know I would have reacted the same way!

  2. OK, I have to post a quick comment on the deadheading of the do know that when Austin plants with nana we always take off the top of the flowers...this promotes a fuller flower and not a leggy one. So, they did exactly the right thing!! These will look great in a couple of weeks. Fun photos...I laughed!

  3. so glad to see austin still loving his truck :)

  4. I love the flower story!!! Tracey is right...must be a boy thing. Ellie would have freaked out if she had been there.
    Super fun times in the "field" with the kiddos! Many more fun summer nights to come!
